
Monday, June 29, 2020

Pinky Pick Up

Pinky Pick Up 

today we had a challenge to do it was caled task master. we had a team of four my team had Logan, Liam and Sonny. we picked four items they were a paper hat and 3 rulers. what items would you pick if you did this?

Quick write week 9

quick write week 9

It was a ordinary day in the city center, I was buying football cards  at a shop when SUDDENLY! I disappeared into thin air! i woke up in a comfortable bed and looked at my hands. They were yellowy orange colour with sharp claws sharper than a T-Rex. i ran to a nearby mirror. I had giant wings! i started to cry. But then i remembered that the witch that lived next door could fix me. 

Ball And String Task Master

On Monday my class attempted a task master called ball and string challenge. We grouped up in to groups of 7 people, there will be one person  who directs the group and 6 people that hold a piece of string and try to get a tennis ball into a bucket  or on top of a tall pipe.  In my group I had Tama, Ashton, Tyson, Noah.B, Ronan, Lj and myself. Here's a picture. do you think we did it?